Spilling the Beans

Here you can download the latest version of Spilling The Beans. It’s not only our most up-to-date price list, but also an interesting look at everything coffee!

Coffee in mug on beans

What is Spilling the Beans?

Twice a year we send out a new price list, but doing that by itself is really boring. As such, we like to have a bit of fun with it and send out something that’s a little bit more than a spreadsheet. As such, Spilling the Beans was born, our take on the latest coffee trends and inspirations on how to make your regular brew even better.

Scroll down to find a link to download our latest issue, or contact us today if you’d like us to post one out!

Spring/Summer 2024 edition

Issue #06 celebrates the launch of our CoffeeClub, and all of the fantastic benefits it brings with it.

Inside you’ll also find a focus on workplace trends for 2024, as well as the layout of the perfect tea and coffee point for your office.

Click the button below to download your copy today.


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Reading SPilling The BEans Issue 6

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