Frequently asked questions
Have any questions about your order, coffee machines, or anything else FreshGround? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Can’t find your answers in the below? Contact the team today.

General enquiries
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How do I get in touch with the different teams and departments at FreshGround?
What machines can you repair? Is there a full list of makes and models you support?
How can I place an order online?
How much is delivery and what options do I have?
How often will I be invoiced?
Where can I see the coffee machines that FreshGround offers?
Can you repair my coffee machine?
What water dispensers are available from FreshGround?
Can you fix my water dispenser?
What are you doing to be more sustainable?
What does FreshGround offer?
Help! My FreshGround machine has broken down. What should I do?
I’m not an existing FreshGround customer – can you still support my machines?
Are there other ways to make an order?
Can you tell me when my FreshGround order will be delivered?
I don’t know what will work for my workplace. Can I trial a coffee machine?
We have a tap and the team buys bottled water. Why should I get a water dispenser?
How do I clean my machine?
Do you have a showroom I can visit?
Do you offer service plans?
Is there a coffee and consumables price list?
Do you ship outside of the UK?
What is your returns policy?
What coffee machine is right for my workplace?