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FreshGround’s Coffee Range from Rainforest Alliance-Certified Farms

FreshGround | September 13, 2018

Providing our customers with high-quality, ethically sourced coffee has always been important to us. In an effort to give coffee lovers everywhere even more choice and even better quality beans, we’ve recently teamed up with the Rainforest Alliance to produce a range of coffees that come direct from certified farms. A great way to ensure the standard of our coffee is as high as possible, this certification is good news for both coffee drinkers and coffee farmers everywhere.


The Rainforest Alliance

The mission of the Rainforest Alliance is to conserve biodiversity by promoting sustainability in agriculture, forestry, tourism and other related businesses. The organisation works with an ever-growing network of farmers, foresters, communities, scientists, governments, environmentalists and businesses who are dedicated to conserving biodiversity and creating sustainable livelihoods.

According to the Rainforest Alliance, over 1.6 billion people directly depend on forests around the world. And with much of this forest disappearing every day, the work the organisation does has never been more important.


Coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms

The Rainforest Alliance certifies coffee farms that meet certain standards. These standards have been designed to help protect both the coffee producers and the natural world. For example, coffee farms are required to maintain 40% minimum canopy coverage and at least 12 native species of tree must be present per hectare of cultivated land.

The certification also requires farmers not to alter the path of natural watercourses and restricts the type and quantity of chemicals farmers are able to use. Coffee farmers must also ensure that they meet local labour laws and that they pay their workers a fair wage.


Buying coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms

Buying coffee from farms that have been certified by the Rainforest Alliance gives you the chance to support coffee growers and the communities they come from. Packets of coffee from certified farms are printed with the organisation’s emblem, a small green frog on a white background. Look out for this next time you buy your coffee and you’ll enjoy your next brew even more.


The FreshGround range of coffees from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms

As we care about where our coffee comes from, and about the people who produce it, we’ve introduced a new range of brews from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms for our customers to enjoy. Helping coffee lovers everywhere to find beans that have been ethically sourced and that cause minimal damage to the environment, this exciting range of coffees has proved an instant hit with our client base.


To learn more about our range of coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms, or to find out more information on our range of office coffee machines, please get in touch.

For more information on the Rainforest Alliance, and the work it does, click here to visit its website.