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Dual milk machine vs single milk machine?

Alex | September 4, 2022

Across the UK and the world, we’re witnessing an increasing number of people exploring alternatives to dairy milk. There are various reasons for this including health, allergies, environmental concerns, going vegan, or just wanting to cut down on dairy consumption.

A recent survey reported that 1 in 3 Brits now drink plant-based milk with millennials aged 25 to 44 leading the way in usage. Oat milk is currently the UK’s most popular alt-milk with Brits spending an estimated £146 million on oat milk alone in 2020. If you work in an office, it’s likely that a proportion of your workforce opts for dairy-free milk. But are you catering to their needs?

By offering an alternative to regular dairy milk, you’re showing your team you care about their health, well-being and principles. It’s a simple thing to do that can support your workplace culture. However, if you have an office coffee machine, many of them only offer one type of milk.

Enter the dual milk coffee machine! This is a game changer if you want to please all of your coffee-loving team members. With this new innovation, you’re able to offer your team a choice of milk. Let’s take a look at our latest machines to offer this new functionality.

The F5 Egro Next

This premium bean-to-cup machine offers a full range of espresso-based milky coffees, hot chocolate and mocha. It also can pour cold milk foam versions of all your coffee shop favourites. The F5 Egro Next will be a welcome addition to any office, especially now it can be customised to include a dual milk fridge. Now you can give your team easy access to both regular and dairy-free milk options at work.

Worried about dairy contamination? With the F5, you don’t need to be. The milk supply tube is flushed with dairy-free milk after every single use, eliminating the risk of contamination. This is important if a team member has milk allergies or is lactose-intolerant.

Not only does it offer two milk types, but it also has two bean hoppers so your team can choose from two different beans. Alternatively, you can offer one caffeinated and one decaf coffee.

It has a simple and intuitive user interface and is easy to keep clean and maintain. Stylish and contemporary in design, it will complement any office kitchen aesthetic. So if convenience, choice and premium quality coffee are important to you, the F5 Egro Next is the perfect solution for your office.

The G2 Krea Touch

For those offices that favour granulated milk over fresh, but don’t want to compromise on milk choice, the G2 Krea Touch is for you. Granulated milk lasts longer than fresh and doesn’t have to be refrigerated so it can offer greater convenience for some teams. The quality of granulated milk now is such that many people will struggle to tell the difference between it, and fresh milk.

The G2 has two milk powder hoppers, which allow you as facilities or office manager to offer both regular and dairy-free milk options to your team. It’s simple to use and requires minimum cleaning and maintenance.

Both dual milk machines are available on a range of contract options from rental, purchase or free loan. Our contracts start from as little as three months – perfect for any commitment-phobes! You won’t get tied into long contracts and can change or upgrade your machine at any time depending on your business needs.

Contact us

People want the same choice of coffee in the workplace as they’re getting on the high street, and that’s exactly what our new range of dairy-free office coffee machines offers. We can provide all the advice you need to find the right office coffee machine for you.

Plus, we offer a free consultation visit to your workplace to fully understand your requirements. Call us on 020 7553 7900 or send us an enquiry.