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What type of coffee machine do I need for a large office?

Alex | October 17, 2022

Coffee forms a vital part of office culture and it can contribute to a sense of community within your business. Think how many great ideas, new concepts, exciting projects and even new friendships are started by just these simple five words, “shall we grab a coffee?”

If you’re a business that cares about your team’s health and well-being, you’ll understand that a cup of instant coffee no longer makes the cut. A recent report showed that over a third of consumers are now drinking less instant coffee.

In fact, people now expect a barista-style premium coffee experience at work for free. They also expect to get the same quality and variety of coffee drinks they enjoy on the high street and consider it to be an important perk to office life. Research also shows that 75 per cent of workers feel high-quality coffee in the office shows their well-being matters to their employer.

How much coffee do we drink?

Here in the UK, we drink an estimated 98 million cups of coffee per day. 25% of that is consumed at work. It’s reported that coffee (and tea) are now the most popular drink and the popularity of coffee is set to overtake tea.

If you’re in a large office with hundreds of people, you need to keep the coffee flowing. Studies show that it can improve focus, boost creativity, drive productivity and can also support collaboration within teams. But with so many people in your team, how do you know what type of office coffee machine will fit your bespoke requirements? We’ll help you find the perfect solution.

What to consider?

When you’re choosing a machine for the office you’ll want to focus on a number of criteria in order to make your decision. Factors include budget, functionality, quality, choice of drinks, reliability, service and support and so on. To start off you might want to ask your team what they want. We’ve found that some of our customers will send out a quick survey via email to understand the teams’ requirements. With this information, you can make a better-informed decision.

How much coffee does your team drink daily?

Although the number of staff you employ is the most important factor, there are other considerations to consider. Remember, not all of your team may be working in the office daily, so consider your working-from-home patterns. Also bear in mind your office coffee peak times. These will likely include the morning rush, lunch break or mid-afternoon break. In our experience, we approximate that most people will enjoy between 1 and 3 hot drinks per day in the office.

Which machine is right for my large office?

Once you’ve worked out your team’s requirements, you’re ready to review coffee machines. Suppliers like us at FreshGround will give you information about each coffee machine’s capabilities. This includes the approximate number of coffees it can dispense a day, and the sort of location the machine would suit.

If your team has over 100 people for example, you might want to consider the F4 LaCimbali S15. This dispenses top-quality espresso-based drinks including hot chocolate. It is a fast, consistent machine which is perfect for medium to larger offices. If your office is say, a couple of hundred, then the F5 Egro Next would be a good option. The F5 machine offers outstanding quality coffee drinks with a large choice. It also has an innovative 10-inch HD touchscreen interface that completes the experience. And if you want to offer your team an alt-milk then this is perfect as it has dairy-free and dual milk configurations.

Service on your machine

Finally, you’ll want to consider cover on your machine. Commercial coffee machines will typically require servicing and support to keep them running smoothly. Most offices will choose a rental or lease option which comes with service and support at no additional cost. Others will opt for free-loan. This is where you simply agree to buy a certain quota of coffee every month, and the machine is on loan for free.

All office coffee suppliers will offer a certain level of service and support. We offer two types of cover for our customers. Our Essentials plan keeps you covered if anything goes wrong and offers reactive maintenance on our machines. Total Care however provides greater peace of mind and offers more proactive maintenance. It’s a fully inclusive service package, combining fantastic extras into a convenient and cost-effective bundle to complement contracts.

Get in touch with our team

There are lots of things to consider when getting an office coffee machine for your large office. We recommend that you take some time to weigh up all your options. Remember to do your own research, ask your team what they want and ultimately, you’ll find the right machine for you. If you do need a hand though, we’re here to help. Simply give us a call on 020 7553 7900.