Free on loan coffee machines
Buy the coffee beans and we can loan you the bean to cup coffee machine for free! We have a few options for free loan, all explained on this page. Contact us for more details.
Why free loan a coffee machine?
Our free loan model is probably the simplest way to get a bean to cup coffee machine for your office. You agree to a minimum order of coffee each month, and we’ll loan you the coffee machine for free.
Free coffee
We’ll install a best-in-class bean to cup coffee machine.
Beans delivered
every month
Your choice of coffee beans arrive every month.
Client care
and support
Enjoy the best support from our CoffeeCrew.

What coffee machines are free on loan?
There are a few options for free on loan coffee machines. We’re unable to offer the full FreshGround range of bean to cup coffee machines under free loan, but there will be machines to suit your team size and preferences. Further details, including the minimum number of coffee cases required to free loan the machines, is below.
F4 La Cimbali S15
- Serves up to 200 drinks per day
- Includes fresh milk fridge
- Hot chocolate and dual milk options
- Free loan from three cases per month
F3 Egro Qube
- Serves up to 150 drinks per day
- Includes fresh milk fridge
- Hot chocolate option
- Free loan from two cases per month
F3 Jura GIGA X
- Serves up to 150 drinks per day
- Includes fresh milk fridge
- Dual bean hopper option
- Free loan from two cases per month
A5 Egro Next Touch
- Serves up to 400 drinks per day
- Dedicated black coffee machine
- Four bean hoppers for variety
- Free loan from three cases per month
G2 Krea Touch
- Serves up to 200 drinks per day
- Uses granulated milk
- Hot chocolate option
- Free loan from two cases per month
P3 Bunn ICB
- Five litre brew capacity
- Ideal for high-capacity areas
- Can brew full-batch or half-batch
- Free loan from one case per month
P2 Bunn SmartWAVE
- Two and a half litre brew capacity
- Ideal for medium-capacity areas
- Compact with a low-profile
- Free loan from one case per month
The benefits of free loan
The immediate benefit of a free loan coffee machine is that it’s a cheaper way to get a coffee machine for your office. If you were going to buy the coffee anyway, it’s a great value way to get a bean to cup coffee machine.
Versus rental
It may appear very similar to a rental agreement in terms of routine payments for coffee, but you won’t pay a monthly fee for the machine. The big drawback versus rental is that you won’t be able to pause the coffee – you will receive a minimum quantity of coffee every month. The other pro with a rental model is a greater variety in machine choice and functionality.
Versus purchase
Outright purchase is by far the most expensive way to obtain a coffee machine. Free loan is far more accessible, and a much cheaper way to have an up-to-date bean to cup machine in your office. However, under free loan you will never own the machine, and will need to return it if you choose to end the agreement or buy beans from elsewhere.

Contact us
Want to learn more about free loan coffee machines from FreshGround? Our team is ready to talk today. Simply email, call us on 020 7553 7900, or fill in the form below. We can’t wait to hear from you!