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What’s the world of work looking like for 2024?

Ollie | December 20, 2023 | 5 minute read

The world of work never rests. New business ideas, snowballing AI innovation and life’s unpredictability (enter: pandemic) – means no two days are the same. And the reasons people buy things are constantly changing.

Meanwhile, business owners must adapt. Figuring out ways to motor ahead of competitors and boost growth; as well as inspire team happiness and motivation. Whether you’re a business owner looking to prepare your team for the journey ahead or an employee looking for a head-start in 2024 – these workplace trends are for you.

7 workplace trends set to define 2024.

These are calculated by workplace data, HR analytics tools, employee reviews, and conversations with business owners.

The office is back

Marsh law firm office Marsh Law Firm with an F5 Egro Next coffee machine

Hello, old friend. While many of us may still have a love affair with ‘Work From Home’ (and Zoom calls), the tide is turning. A Resume Builder survey of 1,000 company decision makers spotlights that 90% of companies will return to their office space by 2024. This will bring a sigh of relief for office managers – especially those who’ve been in an office returns tug-of-war with employees – looking for ways to foster an in-person culture that outweighs home comforts. Our advice, aim for workplace incentives, not mandates.

The consensus is that people want to be back and that belonging matters. Especially, millennials and Generation Z workers, who yearn for socialness of a workplace family. This makes sense. Even introverts will admit they feel more valued while surrounded by positive colleagues, rather than joining a video call from their living room.

Discover More: The Connection Crisis: Craving Friends At Work And How To Bring Back Belonging (Forbes)

Discover More: 5 tasty tips to create an office coffee culture

AI is an ally

AI is like marmite – people love it or hate it. Wherever you land on AI: it has arrived. And our advice is to view it as an ally, not a threat to your job title. In particular, generative AI’s ability to speed up repetitive (time-consuming) tasks will be a big help for businesses in 2024. We’re talking about tools like ChatGPT that produce text, imagery, audio and synthetic data. This can even help value employees, as the load of menial ‘grunt work’ is fast-tracked AI, freeing up more time to focus on other talks.

And it also comes into play for HR. For example, AI tools can scan CVs for specific keywords streamline the job-hiring process. Plus result in completely unbiased CV screening (as names, ages, genders and nationalities are bypassed by the tool). Filtering to what matters.

Look after your team

person at keyboard

Tired? That sounds right. We all need to look after ourselves in 2024. As Gallup reports employee stress is at a global high. And UK polls reveal 55% of workers in England and Wales feel on the verge of burnout. This means it’s imperative you look after your team in 2024. We recommend providing brilliant coffee, offering mental health check-ins with a professional, team lunches and being flexible to employee’s lives (even offering a day off for a pet passing, for example).

Especially while working alongside the AI march, it’s important to remember humans are vulnerable. We feel things. And therefore, must be treated as sensitives, emotional beings, rather than mindless cogs in an unrelenting machine. Business owners take note: AI hasn’t superseded the value of emotional intelligence and empathy. If you can strike this balance of kindness and productivity, 2024 could be very special indeed.

Discover More: Mindfulness at work starts with coffee

Sustainability really matters

plant in a mug

Sustainability is more than a buzzword – consumers want sustainable product stories. A couple of after-thought initiatives thrown in to meet ESG standards no long cuts it. Sustainability really matters in 2024. Especially after a year of record-breaking temperatures and the UK government’s ban on single-use plastics – business owners must think about how to use resources mindfully to preserve our planet for future generations.

From recycling schemes to installing mains-fed water taps and energy-efficient coffee machines that eliminate single-use plastics – these 7 easy ways to make your workplace more sustainable will skyrocket a sustainable 2024.

Discover More: Rent workplace water dispensers without single-use plastics

Diversity and inclusion (catering to change)

We’ve heard of ‘diversity and inclusion’ before. But it’s predicted to go up another level in 2024 with inclusive hiring. There will be more of a focus on skills-based hiring (rather than university degrees). This helps your business bring in more diverse and dynamic talent – upskilling them as you go. Also, HR managers must think of ways to cater to age-diverse workforces: as Gen Z’s make up over 20% of UK workforces; meanwhile older generations are working longer. How can I make them feel valued also?

Discover More: 3 ways to improve belonging in the workplace

Inspire learning opportunities

My first boss told me: ‘Ollie, if you’re not learning, you should move on’. And those words have rung in my head ever since. Learning opportunities make employees feel valued – and throw another log on their motivation’s fire. Helping them unlock and nourish new skills. From in-office learning opportunities, guest speakers, online courses and collaborative experiences – the sky is the limit when it comes to helping your team elevate their minds.

Discover More: FreshGround’s Learning Hub – Uncover the world of office coffee

Happiness wins – building a ‘stay culture’

Your external environment impacts your internal environment. This means all business owners must make their workplace a happy place. Somewhere everyone is excited to turn up to, chat around the office coffee machine, and savour fulfilling workdays. A happy workplace means a happy workforce – and builds a ‘stay culture’ that will help your business thrive.

Get in touch with FreshGround

If you’re looking to make your workplace a happy place, where employees are cherished and valued – get in touch. Our premium, one-touch coffee machines and water dispensers will bolster your breakout area for 2024.