Is the UK coffee market growing?
We’re known as a nation of tea and coffee lovers, and together they take the top spot for our most popular drink. In recent years, the UK co...
What are the most popular teas in the UK? Here are the top five…
Brewing a cup of tea in the office has long been a popular way to re-energise, focus or relax. Here in the UK, the humble cup of tea has lon...
Free Creme Eggs! Don’t miss out on this egg-cellent offer
It’s approaching that time of year again, so we’re re-running this customer favourite offer! From March 1 until April 28, all co...
Coffee Glossary: The Complete A-Z Guide
From affogato to Vienna roasts, this complete coffee glossary (A to Z guide) tells you all there is to know about your morning coffee.
What are the benefits of renting or getting a coffee machine on free loan?
If you’re someone that needs a coffee to kickstart your day, make sure it’s a quality coffee! There are lots of options when it comes to pro...
What’s the best water dispenser for the office?
As a business owner, you’ll understand the importance of providing clean and safe drinking water to your team. Staying hydrated is vital for...
What are the essentials of coffee brewing?
Our resident Speciality Coffee Association trainer, Scott Barnes, shares his top tips and tricks to get a perfect, fully-rounded filter coff...
What’s the most sustainable coffee for the office?
Sustainability is a major concern in today’s business world, and the coffee industry is no exception. With the increase in demand for...
Oat milk vs soya milk
Plant-based milks have become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason. Whether you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or j...
Tea vs coffee – what’s best for my office team?
An always popular debate at home and in the workplace, one that even matches the chicken and egg question, tea vs coffee, which is better? W...
Do people still have vending machines in offices?
You might be surprised to know that the humble vending machine has a long and rich history with the very first example dating back to the fi...
Why is it important to stay hydrated at work?
Staying hydrated is important for everyone, but it’s especially crucial when working in an office environment. Proper hydration helps people...